Instagram story time limit increased from 15 seconds to 60 seconds

Instagram is getting a new update to its app, which increases the time limit of each Story from 15 seconds to 60 seconds. Currently, the length of each Story on Instagram is limited to 15 seconds. If you record a video or post content that’s longer than that, Instagram automatically splits that video into multiple 15-second clips.

Looking at Stories in split parts is not a pleasing experience. When you save those Stories, they get stored as multiple 15-second videos. It means you must go through multiple clips whenever you want to look at those videos in your phone’s gallery. What’s even more annoying is that if you want to add text, stickers, music, or kind of effect to a video or content that’s longer than 15 seconds in Stories, you have to add it to each 15-second clip separately and align the content between all of those Stories to make them look consistent.

Well, you don’t have to go through all that hassle anymore. The Instagram app is getting a new update with which you will be able to record and post an uninterrupted video or content that’s up to 60 seconds.

Instagram hasn’t revealed which version of the app brings this new feature and when it will start rolling out the update. However, we could record and post 60-second videos using Instagram v254. on our Galaxy S22+. Since this is a server-side update, you may not be able to use this feature immediately.

Source Credits: Sammobile