Have an old Samsung phone lying around? Check its battery!

Last updated: September 27th, 2022 at 19:07 UTC+02:00

Do you happen to have old Samsung Galaxy phones lying around? If you do, you may want to check their batteries for your safety. It looks like older Galaxy phones dating before the Galaxy S20 series may be plagued by an issue that causes the battery to swell over time — and yes, more so than they are swelling for any other smartphone brand.

YouTuber Mrwhosetheboss recently posted a video detailing an interesting and relatively worrying set of events. In his collection of Samsung phones, he discovered several aging Galaxy models that have had their batteries swole up to the point where they popped the back panel away from the device. Upon learning about this, Samsung took it upon itself to dispose of those devices, and that’s where the story ends, as far as Samsung is concerned.

You can check the video below for more details, but in short, after his encounter with Samsung, Mrwhosetheboss noticed that other people are facing the same issue. One Samsung phone collector revealed that virtually every Galaxy smartphone model in his collection dating before the Galaxy S20 has had this swollen battery issue. They even claim that one Galaxy phone has experienced this problem in the sealed retail box, despite the fact that it never got used.

Even worse, older smartphones from other brands don’t seem to face this problem. Several other smartphone collectors chimed in on social media, with @MKBDH stating that several of his Samsung phones have had this battery issue over the years once he stopped using the devices, but “never any other brand.”

Samsung has yet to explain why its Galaxy phone batteries are seemingly much more susceptible to expanding over time. But this does seem to be a problem that affects mostly Samsung phones, which could have grave ramifications for the company.

If you happen to have an old Galaxy smartphone lying around in a drawer somewhere, you should probably check to see if its battery is looking fine. And if it doesn’t, you should probably get in touch with Samsung, even if the device is out of warranty.

Have you ever had this issue with swollen batteries inside Samsung phones? Leave a comment below.

Source Credits: Sammobile